Monday 8 March 2010

Analysing Contents Page

Analysis of Vibes contents page:

Here is an example of Vibe contents page, however this contents page is quite plain and simple, which is very common in most Vibe magazines. Most other magazines are not as simple and uninformative like this particular contents page.
The main image is 'Movado' who is not really known in the HipHop genre. His music attracts niche audience, therefore it is quite odd that he is the main image. However, in the main image Movado's pose/posture is very conventional to other artists on other Hip Hop magazines. He is wearing a chain, which symbolises wealthy. This piece of jewellery is quite common for any Hip Hop artist. Also, he is wearing other props like diamond braclets and watch which also suggests wealth and connects the artist to the Hip Hop genre. The gucci belt also indicates wealth. All these props make the artist seem as if he is a Hip Hop artist even though they may not know who he is as he is not that well known in the Hip Hop industry.
The artists eyes and pose makes him seem as though he is drugged which is unusual for Vibe to be using as they would not normally use a model like this. The artist in this magzine contents page is posing as if he is a "gangsta" where as the artist TI is posing as if he is a businessman, through his costume and props. Here we see a major contrast between the two artists who have different ambitions. Moreover, the background image used is of a 'ghetto' area which signifies the artist Movado as real as he is has not forgot where he came from even though he seems to be wealthy. This type of background has been used in many other Hip Hop magazines as it symbolises the artist in a powerful manner. Therefore it is good that Vibe has used this particular background. The use of black and white to present the background image creates deppressing and dull environment.
From the contents page we can see that this magazine is trying to attract Hip Hop fans and more specifically aspirers as the artist are wearing diamonds. Also the contents page shows the magazine is targetting a younger audience as it is very visual as oppose to textual which magazine editors assume the younger audiences prefer. The typography used to present the contents is bold and fresh which implies youth and strength, this also targets the younger audience. However, the colour used to show the word contents is black which creates a dull and dark vibe, this could possible mean that the magazine might be targetting a older audience as it is not brightly coloured so a older audience may be more attracted to this. It is also vital for magazines to attract other types of audiences as the magazine industry is a dieing industry, therefore they must try to increase sales by attracting a wider and large audience.
On the whole, I would say that this particular contents page is very basic and unsusal. It uses an artist, which is not very popular as a image and a ghetto background alongside dull and dark colours. Also the magazine is chiefly attracting a younger audince through its contents page as there is artist that younger audiences would like and the contents page is not very accurate which younger audiences may also like.

During lesson, we analysed a contents page of a magazine. First I brainstormed what features a contents page should have.

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